I have a lot of handbags but as of the moment, im using my
Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Canvas speedy 30 almost everyday.

It is very handy and can accommodate my basic stuff.

Inside my bag (from left to right):

- Blackberry Bold (i cant live without it)
- small "secret" phone
- Dual finish Lancome Powder
- Lancome Teint IdoleUltra
- Lancome vibrating power mascara
- Lancome lipstick in 214
- small Dream Scent by Gap as i hate carrying heavy bottle of perfume, plus it can deform your lux handbag
- Lancome moisturiser
- Bodyshop tea tree oil blotting paper
- small packet of everyday jewelry for classic look
- Bvlgari wallet which was a gift from a rich friend...hihihi
- cute little pink notebook with cute little pen- i write down stuff i need to do or need to pay for
- company ID
- keys in Dior key chain
- sexy little mints by Victoria's Secret
- my SO PINAS comb - i will never ever trade that comb to any branded comb seriously
- Elmo wet towelettes
- and my Gap glasses
That's all I carry inside my bag everyday. No cash Im sorry..lol =)
Shally, 28, Philippines